Friday, July 29, 2011

أنتج الإحسان .. ثورة .. مع خواطر رمضان هذا العام

Ramadan is knocking our doors soon In'sha'Allah .. Blessed Ramadan to All of us.

Last Ramadan I introduced to Second Life residents some pictures and designs of our culture as Arabs and Muslims. The collection got their attention and I'm working on some more desings In'sha'Allah.

Among the collection there was Ahmad Shukairi's Khawater 6 program theme Ehsan

My Arab friends loved them so much and the rest of my friends as well :)

I'm so anxious to see this year's season. It is going to be very special season flavored with revolution we've waited so long.

أيام قليلة ونكون في حضن رمضان إن شاء الله .. كل عام وأنتم بخير

انتهزتُ فرصة رمضان الماضي لتقديم واجهة حية لسكان سيكند لايف ولو بسيطة عن ثقافة العربي والمسلم من خلال تصاميم ونماذج أضعها في معرضي الخاص

كان من بينها لوجو برنامج خواطر أحمد الشقيري الذي يعرض على عدة قنوات أحدها إم بي سي ، وكنتُ سعيدة كم أنها لاقت إعجاب الكثيرين من أصدقائي هناك في سيكند لايف

متحمسة كثيراً هذا العام لخواطر 7 فهي مغمورة بطعم الثورة والروح الجديدة الطموحة للشباب العربي التي طالما انتظرناها

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy anniversary Second Life

I'm now in Second Life's 8th anniversary party. A non-stopping concert with a continous performances for many talented singers. Wwwwwhat a night!

Swaying now on the very intimate soft live songs of many amazing talented singers. I loved them all. My best on the list is Star Flowers with her original songs she performs.

The party is not over yet cause I'm writing here and enjoying the party there :) .. still songs to come and I'm still dancing :D .. Hurrray Second Life.

Some snapshots for the night ....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I need my second life back :(

I'm alive now. Thanks for bringing me back in-my-world:)


A month ago, I received a notice card for an ID verification from Linden Labs. I responded as I got their email.

After waiting to log inworld again, another reason came up to keep holding my account. I called and emailed many times with no single respond.

I had to make another damn account trying to share my experience in the SL blog society that ended up with nothing either!

I wish to know how may Linden Labs. do care professionally about their residents?

I'm living with no me inworld ...

I need my account back baaaaaaaaaaaack..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Virtual Worlds Play an Important Role in the Changing Arab World

This is a very interesting report shows how virtual world - represented as Second Life - could reconnect Islam to wider chips of western people through a shortcut new and direct angles.

Rita J. King spoke about the Understanding Islam through Virtual Worlds project at the 2010 Business Innovation Factory (BIF-6). See it in this video: